Retail Banking Innovations Asia Pacific 2008 - Banking in a Brave New World
Retail Banking Innovations 2008 aims to address new frontiers in
the industry and the changing concept of retail banking and consumer
finance in the Asia Pacific region – with a highly content-driven and
provocative agenda.
I was delighted to speak at Retail
Banking Innovations. Not only it was
my first successful speaking engagement in Asia, but I had a great time with my fellow speakers in Singapore.
As far as I am concerned, is the best initiative in the social lending / online finance space.
I love the concept. Basically, you can contribute to make a real difference and
change the life of an entrepreneur (the majority of borrowers are women) in a third world country.
Social Media is all about people, not technology
Kiva is the perfect showcase for social media. Indeed, not only
do I love the concept but I love Kiva's strategy. It is not about
the interface and the technology, it is all about people. In this case,
passionate people.
The Kiva team give them the ability to express themselves on the platform via blogs and journals, they give them visibility.
And what an extensive list of volunteers (editors & translators)!
I was ecstatic when I found out I would be speaking straight after
Matt Flannery, Co-Founder and the CEO of the company. It was great to attend Matt's presentation... and to have such as good time together after the event. Matt, once again congrats for your French. And as agreed, let's catch up in Paris this Spring!
Please find below my video interview with Matt:
I invite you to check Kiva's coverage by Jim Bruene on
Related Articles on
* Directory 2.0: Social Media in Banking
* People First! Global Survey on Social Networking
* Coverage - Retail Banking Innovations (Singapore, October 2008)
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