Earlier this month, I announce the imminent launch of a new series on the Visible Banking blog, the 'Voice of the Customer' or 'Customer Voices'. Basically, on regular basis we will ask regular bank and insurance customers to share their thoughts on the topics of social media and digital engagement and on specific initiatives on the likes of facebook or twitter.
I am delighted to publish the second article of the series and the very first article in English (99% of our articles are in English, but the first customer-generated article was in French).
This article is on the banking application launched by India's ICICI a couple of months ago. The bank has just reached the 300,000 likes barrier and I believe this specific application is currently used by 20,000 users every month. If you want to check how ICICI compares in the worldwide financial services industry on facebook, we invite you to check the latest updates from our Visible Banking Facebook Watch series (tracking over 1,300 pages and apps in 78 countries).
So many consultants and online resources have hurried to cover this application days after launch, but did you have a chance to try it and experience its interface? Probably not. So, I bet you will find this article rather insightful.
Banques et Réseaux Sociaux: Pas Assez de Convergence? [VOC]
Un peu plus tôt ce mois-ci, j'ai annoncé le lancement imminent d'un nouveau type d'articles sur le blog Visible Banking, articles écrits non pas par des professionnels des médias sociaux, des banquiers ou des assureurs, mais écrits par de 'simples clients'. N'y voyez surtout pas de notion connotative, je suis persuadé que vous trouverez ces articles rafraichissants et très instructifs.
Je vous invite à lire le tout premier article de cette série, écrits par Pierre, en français, dans lequel il partage son expérience personnelle avec la Caisse d'Epargne.
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Posted by Christophe on March 27, 2012 in Banking, Customer comments, Customers, EMEA, Facebook, France, Guest, Twitter, VBVOC | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: banque, client, customer, facebook, france, guest, innovation, socialmedia, twitter, visiblebanking, VOC