A few months ago, I started to give more visiblity to the financial
institutions which engage on Twitter, YouTube and blogs. From now on,
in addition to my twitter updates I plan to publish a monthly list of
anniversaries on Visible-Banking.com.
goal is to give more visibility to those social media efforts, flag the
financial insitutions which are experimenting and trying to engage
online, and recognize the contributors who spend hours producing
valuable content... whether those initiatives are well executed or not!
the internet there is no such thing as a definitive list. That is why I
invite you to flag any missing initiatives in this post. And please
make sure to add your initiatives to the Visible Banking Directory: Social Media Initiatives in Financial Services which I believe is the most comprehensive directory available online.
lists are valuable, it is the insights which will help you to be
successful online. Our aim at Visible Banking is to help financial
insitutions to better understand social media in the Finance industry:
it is useful to know how Dell, Starbucks, or Toyota successfully
leverage social media, but it is critical to understand the potential
in our heavily regulated industry, and identify what has worked and
what hasn't.
Beyond our passion for social media, it is our knowledge of the industry which is our key differentiator.
36 blogs, YouTube Channels and Twitter Accounts Launched in December 04 - 06 - 07 - 08
36 social media initiatives: 22 twitter accounts, 6 YouTube channels, and 8 blogs.
8 Countries:
1. US (26), 2. Germany (5), 3. Australia (4), UK (3), 4. Denmark (1),
France (1), Ireland (1), Porto Rico (1), Russia (1), Spain (1).
4 years: 2004 (1), 2006 (4), 2007 (7), and 2008 (24).
Please do not hesitate to leave a comment and flag any missing initiatives!
Anniversaries in December
Happy 5-Year Anniversary!
13-Dec - Blog - Verity CU "Our Voices" (US)
Happy 3-Year Anniversaries!
11-Dec - YouTube - Arkansas Federal Credit Union (US)
22-Dec - Blog - Idaho Trust Bank - Concierge (US)
22-Dec - Blog - Idaho Trust Bank - Life Style (US)
23-Dec - YouTube - UFirst FCU (US)
Happy 2-Year Anniversaries!
14-Dec - Twitter - Pioneercu (US)
17-Dec - Twitter - Webank (Italy)
19-Dec - YouTube - ABN AMRO Markets (Netherlands)
20-Dec - Twitter - TDECU (US)
21-Dec - Blog - Garden State Life Insurance Blog (US)
26-Dec - Twitter - nykredit (Denmark)
28-Dec - Twitter - ValleyCU (US)
Happy 1-Year Anniversaries!
01-Dec - Twitter - 1stAdvantage (US)
02-Dec - Blog - Reliant Bank (US)
03-Dec - Blog - Apple Federal CU's how bout them apples (US)
04-Dec - Twitter - icul (US)
04-Dec - Twitter - leumi_secretart (Israel)
04-Dec - Twitter - numerica (US)
04-Dec - Twitter - TelhioCU (US)
05-Dec - Blog - AllState Insurance's Vehicle Vibes (US)
05-Dec - Twitter - Bellco_CU (US)
05-Dec - Twitter - choicebank (US)
07-Dec - YouTube - f1rstcreditunion's what's ours is YOURS (US)
10-Dec - Blog - LifeTuner (US)
10-Dec - Twitter - nwcu (US)
11-Dec - Twitter - dbfx (UK)
12-Dec - Twitter - allegiancecu (US)
15-Dec - Twitter - BreweryCU (US)
17-Dec - YouTube - LibertyMutual's TeenDriving (US)
18-Dec - Twitter - Banguat (Guatemala)
18-Dec - Twitter - ccutech (US)
18-Dec - YouTube - KEMBA Financial Credit Union (US)
19-Dec - Twitter - ChetcoFCU (US)
23-Dec - Twitter - fnbodirect (US)
29-Dec - Twitter - AXA_Insurance (UK)
30-Dec - Twitter - SunTrustBank (US)
Visible Banking Social Media Watch Series: Tracking over 1,300 initiatives in 40+ countries
To find out more about social media in finance, I invite you to follow me on twitter, and check my four social media watch series:
* Visible Banking Twitter Watch - 850+ accounts / 40+ countries
* Visible Banking Facebook Watch - 280+ pages / 35+ countries
* Visible Banking Blog Watch - 140+ blogs / 15+ countries
* Visible Banking YouTube Watch - 175+ channels / 20+ countries
Visible Banking Quick Wins
of the time, you can identify a lot of areas for improvement, easy to
fix, which would make your social media initiatives more successful:
* simplify and optimize your interface
* identify passionate contributors among your employees
* produce a stronger editorial line and more valuable content
* identify your influencers (advocates and detractors) and start building relationships with them asap
* promote your initatives on your own assets (public website, online banking...)
* fully leverage all the key social media sites to cross-market your initiatives and your content
And above all, find the best way to REWARD people for visiting, contributing, sharing, and promoting your initiatives!
I would be delighted to have a chat with you about your social media strategy, so please do not hesitate to call me on +44 7736 446 357 or send me an email to christophe[dot]langlois[at]visible-banking[dot]com.
Related Articles on Visible-Banking.com
* AllState Runs a Virtual Career Fair Today + Financial Institutions Leverage Virtual Worlds & Online Games to Innovate in Recruitment
* Video Interview - FNBO Direct, Robin Nakamura, SVP eBusiness
* Video Interview - Nykredit, Thomas Kragh, Head of Internet
* Visible Banking Press Articles & Slides
* Visible Banking Social Media Watch Series
* The Visible Banking Directory: Social Media in Financial Services
Thanks for the great resource. I wanted to check the 4 new Australian initiatives but there is no way to check what is actually new in the main list? Is this correct? Do you have any plans to provide a detailed list for each month, or have I missed something.
Regards, Walter Adamson @g2m
Posted by: Walter Adamson | December 07, 2009 at 02:43 AM