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Christophe, thanks for your thoughtful analysis. We're very happy with the strong start we've achieved. Lots, and LOTS of comments and engagement. In the first 2 days, we saw more comments than we typically get in a full month, of all our blogs combined.

Needless to say, this has put a strain on us, but we're doing our best to answer questions submitted there. We did respond to a number of Wachovia customer service questions, but not with John, with a leader from that organization. We felt a response from someone with direct Wachovia service responsibility would be the best course. And, of course it's just not realistic to have our CEO respond to every post. I hope our customers understand and appreciate our approach there.


Thanks Ed for your comment. And well done to you and your team!

Of course, it would be unrealistic to expect the CEO of a large banking group like Wells Fargo-Wachovia to find the time to respond to every comment to his posts (I meant his post(s) only).

I wanted to emphasize the excellent "Executive Blog" from RaboPlus in Australia: Greg McAweeney, General Manager, makes sure to respond to most of the comments. Needless to say that both the size of his bank and the volume of comments on his blog make it more manageable.

I didn't find that many answers on your first posts, and I believe you weren't capturing the email addresses of your commentators (did you?... from the get go?).

Thanks again for your message. Wells Fargo is the most experienced and innovative bank in social media, and I had no doubt that you and your colleagues would make sure to respond to every comment, and keep the conversation going with your customers and your employees.

A well put together social media platform they have there. Well implemented, clean and sending all the right signals.

Its great the that guys over at Wells Fargo continue with their development since they were pioneers in this field.

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