« VRL KnowledgeBank invites Christophe Langlois, Founder of Visible-Banking.com, to speak at Retail Banking Innovations APAC 2008 in Singapore | Main | Banking 2.0: social networking, we have already tried! »


Hear, hear! Social media is as revolutionary to marketing as television advertising was in the 60s. The conversation is happening outside your web site/business walls whether you like it, or know about it, or not. Instead of ignoring it, embrace it for the font of customer knowledge that it is.

Christophe, your approach will really help us encourage those companies that are still thinking, 'perhaps if i ignore it, it will just go away'. I work with financial tech vendors, selling into every type of bank and financial institution. The most common resistance I hear is, 'our clients are very conservative and pay no heed to social media...' We need to be able to demonstrate that social media is not the new elephant in the room but the most exciting opportunity that has come our way in a long time and as such we need to be bold, be brave, and be a part of it. I look forward to seeing the video.

Hi Christophe!

Following on from a particular meeting that we had last week, I'd love to hear your response to those who say that a bank's current focus should be almost exclusively on cost reduction and risk avoidance, given the current climate, and initiatives focussing on networking and Web 2.0 technologies will and should be shelved.

Given that a lot of the work that I/we do is based on a Cost-Benefit-Analysis, I wonder how these types of propositions should be framed when being forward for consideration by the business? Because there are some analysts who say that social networking isn't, actually, important and that many companies such as LTSB are still in a strong position both financially and with respect to brand despite this?

I should point out that I don't necessarily share the above views (especially since I have both an internal and external blog myself!), but am simply passing on the question.


The most common resistance I hear is, 'our clients are very conservative and pay no heed to social media.

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    • “Christophe's book is really the must-have synopsis of the current state-of-play in social media in banking. Christophe has taken a deep passion for the topic, and turned it into an account of the landscape valuable to anyone who has social media responsibilities in financial services”
      James Gardner, General Manager at Spigit

      “Christophe is extremely well informed about the banking and financial services industries. He's at all the right conferences, and digs deep with his interviews of all the influencers and innovators. He's also a tremendously nice guy :-)”
      Aaron Patzer, Founder & CEO at Mint Software

      “Christophe seems to have his finger on the pulse of the financial services industry. Visible Banking has become "the" source of information for innovations in the financial services industry.”
      Tim Collins, SVP-Experiential Marketing at Wells Fargo

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