I met Pierre Chappaz at the European Tech Tour Web and Communities Summit in November 07. His company, Wikio, was one of the 25 finalists.
Wikio is a new kind of information portal: it is an easy way to find & track information. For its Founder, "wikio is the better swiss knife for info 2.0". There are 2 guidelines for wikio: the service must be easy and personal.
With wikio, not only can you keep track of a specif topic on the web, but its goal is also to become The site to visit before shopping online. Indeed, they aggregate most of the available product info and reviews on one page: you can quickly check the consumer reviews, the expert reviews, the video and pictures of the products...
Wikio had 4 million unique visitors in October 2007, with 2 million unique visitors from France.
Pierre and his team will release
the new version of Wikio in December 2007. At the same time, they will officially launch wikio in the UK. One of the key new features will be to give the ability to find the most
popular videos on the web.
Interview with Pierre Chappaz
Pierre is well-known in the online industry, from his first internet venture called kelkoo, now part of Yahoo!. It was one of the first price comparison websites and Pierre sold it for over 450million euros a couple of years ago. Pierre is also one of the top shareholders of another successful internet website, netvibes.
FYI, I also shot a video of Pierre in French.