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I found your blog a very good source of information. It is very informative!

I am a student at the Columbia University of NY and currently doing a research paper on the subject of mobile banking. I am of the firm belief that Mobile banking is there to stay and is definitely beginning to gain traction in the United States.

For that matter I also came across a lot of vendors providing solutions in the mobile banking space in the process of doing my research. And when I look it from the vendors point of view how do I take into account the risk involved in these investments. I want to know how vendors of mobile banking such as mfoundry, firethorn, obopay and the host of other new players entering the market are able to justify there investments. In particular what kind of discount factor or cost of capital do they go with when venturing into creating solutions for mobile banking considering that mobile banking has still not started to generate any substantial revenue for banks.

I would appreciate your advice and suggestions in helping me solve this puzzle.

[email protected]

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    • “Christophe's book is really the must-have synopsis of the current state-of-play in social media in banking. Christophe has taken a deep passion for the topic, and turned it into an account of the landscape valuable to anyone who has social media responsibilities in financial services”
      James Gardner, General Manager at Spigit

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      Aaron Patzer, Founder & CEO at Mint Software

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