CheckFree has more or less created the mqrket for online bill payments in the US.
They processed 1 billion electronic payments last year. CheckFree recently bought another leader in the online banking space, Corillian.
Sourcemedia organized a webinar named Online Banking 2.0 back in March: I found extremely interesting the presentation from Max Janasik, Director of Product Management at Corillian.
I also had a good conversation with two people from CheckFree's electronic commerce division at the online_banking_summit_2007 where I was part of the panel on web 2.0.
I wasn't disappointed by the presentation at Finovate either. Milind Pandit, Director Product Management at CheckFree, did a good job insisting on how intuitive and how secure their service is.
In terms of security features, Milind showed the online login with challenge on mobile phone, their "progressive disclosure" technology, and the ability the customer has to configure his levels of security.
Interview with Bob Homer