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    Industry Feedback

    • “Christophe's book is really the must-have synopsis of the current state-of-play in social media in banking. Christophe has taken a deep passion for the topic, and turned it into an account of the landscape valuable to anyone who has social media responsibilities in financial services”
      James Gardner, General Manager at Spigit

      “Christophe is extremely well informed about the banking and financial services industries. He's at all the right conferences, and digs deep with his interviews of all the influencers and innovators. He's also a tremendously nice guy :-)”
      Aaron Patzer, Founder & CEO at Mint Software

      “Christophe seems to have his finger on the pulse of the financial services industry. Visible Banking has become "the" source of information for innovations in the financial services industry.”
      Tim Collins, SVP-Experiential Marketing at Wells Fargo

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