I am really pleased for one of my old friends, Marc Miance.
As far as I can remember (and I met Marc 12 years ago), Marc had always wanted to realize such a movie in 3D.
Marc is one of the most passionate people I know, and highly successful too. Indeed, he is the Founder and President of Attitude Studio.
Marc and his team have been working so hard on the project Renaissance, and I am thrilled to see the movie is going to be released on 15th March 2006 in France!
Marc is credited for the Original Visual Concept: CONGRATULATIONS!
The reviews are extremely positive:
"RENAISSANCE est une merveille d'animation et de cinéma. A ne pas manquer."
Studio ***
"Un des chapitres les plus exaltants de l'histoire de l'animation. Intense et éblouissant."
Ciné Live ***
"Avec ce remarquable thriller d'anticipation en noir et blanc, le cinéma français entre dans une nouvelle ère."
"RENAISSANCE est un véritable bonheur à regarder parce qu'à la fois vrai film de genre revendiqué et défi technique de tous les instants. (...) Ce film transpire la passion, le courage et le travail."
Mad Movies