Today, I was reading my Metro, as usual: I was (one more time) amazed by some "statistics" about women in the UK... Half of all women "hit by partner"!
Domestic violence...
More than half of women have been beaten by their boyfriend or husband and a third have been forced to have sex with them, a survey claimed yesterday.
One of five women complained of being hit regulary, and a third said their partner put them in fear of their lives.
But it is the psychological bullying which affects most women, with two-thirds having been subjected to threats and intimidation.
... leads to the worst
Davina James-Hanman, director of the Greater London Domestic Violence Programme, said: "Two women are killed a week by a current or ex-partner. You don't know until you cross the line whether your partner is going to be one of those. And nothing destroys a woman more than sexual abuse."
Women's Aid: Domestic violence charity which deals with 140,000 female victims a year.
They published "The Survivor's Handbook" (access here)