18/02/06 - I went to the Tate Britain to see the exhibition called "Gothic Nightmares".
It was OK, but I only really liked the paintings from Henri Fuseli.
Moreover, first it was incredibly busy (which was a surprise as it was Saturday afternoon, and the topic is not mainstream to me!), second the lights settings in at least 2 rooms were annoying (because of the reflection, you could not see a significant part of the paintings when facing them!)
Gothic Nightmares explores the work of Henry Fuseli (1741–1825) and William Blake (1757–1827) in the context of the Gothic – the taste for fantastic and supernatural themes which dominated British culture from around 1770 to 1830.
Featuring over 120 works by these artists and their contemporaries, the exhibition creates a vivid image of a period of cultural turmoil and daring artistic invention. The central exhibit is Henry Fuseli’s famous The Nightmare 1781.