I have been invited by Thibaud Caillet to speak at a conference/debate he organised on a topic I am passionate about, the "Business Networking". The idea was to share my 3+ years experience of online networking, living in London.
The event was a success with a lot of people in the audience, and excellent speakers (some very good networkers, some country heads of European networking websites, and an author)
Speakers & Topics
* Les 6 degrés de séparation d'un individu à l'autre; typologie des réseaux, du "social" au "business" networking - Nicolas Bermond, fondateur de PME-multimedia, et auteur "Le Networking social"
* La gestion du capital relationnel - Alain Lefebvre, fondateur de 6NERGIES
* Le networking contre-nature pour les latins? - Alex de Carvalho, VP The Middlebrook Group
* La plate-forme européenne Open BC - Yann Mauchamp, Country Manager Open Business Club
* Les Soirées networking et évènements proposés aux membres - Christophe Langlois
* Organisation et animation - Thibaud Caillet, fondateur du groupe RMS network sur Linkedin
Congratulations Thibaud!